Saturday, July 31, 2010

A fresh start


1. of, pertaining to, or created by a kaleidoscope
2. changing form, pattern, color, etc., in a manner suggesting a kaleidoscope.
3. continually shifting from one set of relations to another; rapidly changing: the kaleidoscopic events of the past year.


Hello bloggers, friends and dreamers. Yes, it's official: I'm blogging again. Probably the hundredth time I said and typed that, eh? After thinking about it for a bit, I realized that I really should take the advice of teachers and journalists who I talked to and blog again. I mean, how else am I going to expose my writing, prove to employers and professors that I'm serious about it? I love writing, and hopefully through self-motivation, I can stick to blogging.
Ever since I was in middle school, I blogged on and off. I would do it everyday, then get sick of it and go on a long hiatus, only to end up blogging again. I traveled from Xanga to Livejournal and now, Blogspot. I used to just write about my personal life, but now I think I'll expand that. What will I blog about?

1. My personal life
Of course! What's a blog without the dish on what I'm doing?
2. My two cents on current events (that rhymes!)
Seems obvious enough as an aspired journalist. I'm reading the news more often, at first just to please my professors, but I realized how...disconnected I am to the world. I lived in complete seclusion for most of my life, and I'm embarrassed to admit that it was hard to catch up on what's going on around the news. I want to address my opinion about the Arizona immigration law, BP paying scientists to be quiet about certain events, etc.
3. Book reviews
I'm trying to read at least fifteen books before I leave for college, and I'm writing my own amateur book reviews on each of them. I already finished four and I'm currently reading Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat Pray Love and Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind. I'm focusing on Eat Pray Love in hopes to finish it before I watch the anticipated movie. I will publish my other our book reviews in my blog in the near future. Feel free to critique them and express your opinion about them!

Those are the main three topics I will focus on, however my blog won't be limited to those topics.

So you might be wondering, why the strange username? I posted up the definitions of kaleidoscopic according to, and I hope you can figure out which definition suits the blog. Especially in this important transition from high school student to college student, I'm like an empty canvas, first draft, a kaleidoscope: I'm growing up, changing and learning. That will never, ever change.
