Saturday, August 7, 2010

Wrapping up the graduation parties

During these past two days, I did nothing but party all night long. Thursday was Amy's surprise graduation held by the lovelyyy Xin, and yesterday was Denise's Luau-themed graduation party. Those two days were filled with laughter, joy, and catching up with amazing high school friends.

Amy's surprise graduation party
I have to admit, Xin's skill of barbecuing was pure art. Okay, I can't really be a judge since I didn't eat the chicken bbq, but the veggie burgers were delish! The original plan of me arriving with the graduate didn't work out because of her parents insisting on eating dinner as a family before her parents leave for the cruise, but then we still surprised her when she arrived...about two hours later. We stayed until dark playing games, catching up with everyone and just having a good time. I really hope I will see everyone again sometime during/after college. I'm going to miss you guys!

Denise's graduation party
I don't even know where to start! The location was beautiful: right by a lake. There were white Christmas lights lighting up the place as well as strobe lights and a disco ball. The tables were decorated with goldfish (yes, live!) swimming amuck in a glass bowl as well as underwater animal floaties. That party is probably going to be the last party where I'm dancing like an idiot with my high school friends, but I hope I'm wrong. Denise, the hostess, dressed up as a mermaid while I attempted the Hawaiian look with my floral dress. I hope I passed, haha. The food was all prepared by Denise's mom, and I had the time of my life eating and dancing. Of course there was the Electric Slide, the Macarena, and the more modern music like Usher's "Oh My God." There was a little boy who's definitely going to win some dance contests with his moves; we were all shocked! It was adorable though. At the party, I learned how much I forgot German (basically everything) when I talked to someone who just came from Germany. I really need to brush up on it at college; at least I took level 1 haha. Ein, zwei, drei...
It was great seeing everyone again; it was like prom with the dancing, but more craziness and definitely less stressful. I took home some luau necklaces, a dolphin and fish floaty and a bubble blower!

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